fredag 19 oktober 2007

Help Needed

Everyday we see adds about "Donate food" or maybe; "Save the Rainforest".
But many people dont really know exactly how much one person can help.
We dont really know what happens with the money we donate, or if it really goes where it´s suppose to.

While searching the web, I came across this articel about a family in Nairobi, I when reading it I knew, that our help makes a difference.

"The four children struggles daily for their survival, and the only thing that keeps this little family alive is the daily food-packages they recieve from the UN´s World Food Programme."

But they consider themselves lucky. There are so many people out there which no helporganisations can reach..
Many of the people who live in Kiberas Gatwikira in Nairobi, have HIV or other diseases, but no where to go for help.
A few is treated at the "Lea Totos Children’s Centre", and the youngest girl in the previously mentioned family is one of them.
Winnie is the oldest girl in the family, and at the age of only 14, she has to take care of the others.
Their parents died from what is described as an "unknown" disease, most probably HIV/AIDS.

What stories like this teaches us, is that even the smallest donation makes a difference.